Your personal Tarot reading will consist of a 5-10 card pull to address a question or topic of your choosing (no serious health questions please) and if no specific question is asked it will be a general reading to see what energies are currently surrounding you at this time.
✨QUESTIONS: Keeping questions focused on you, and what you need to know are recommended for the most helpful insight and constructive guidance. Open-ended questions are best. Some ideas are "I am seeking insight about..." “What would help me to navigate…” "How can I have a better chance of achieving...."
✨TURNAROUND: Your reading will be delivered in a voice recorded format, along with a photo of the cards drawn. I will send your reading to the email provided with your order within 5 business days from purchase or sooner if a rush listing is purchased.
✨ PREDICTIONS: Tarot can provide insights and predictions based on your current trajectory and the energy surrounding your situation at the time of your reading. But keep in mind predictions are just that, predictions! Free will and choices that you make moving forward will directly impact your reality and can change your future outcome. This is my favorite aspect about Tarot; the guidance you receive can often times help you realign yourself and navigate towards a better path if you so desire!
✨ PLEASE NOTE: - Due to the nature of the services provided all sales are are final. Readings are for entertainment purposes and information provided shall not be used as a substitution for professional, financial, medical, psychiatric, or legal advice. My readings are intended for adults 18 or older or with parental consent.